Finding Happiness - Really? • MJVacanti - Inspire
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Finding Happiness – Really?

Finding Happiness – Really?

Working with leaders and teams to raise the level of possibility through the I_AM_TEAM high-achievement workshop program, I discovered that a large percentage of employees were not in a good place. Many were down-sliding and trying to hang on, much less ready to embrace the practices of high achievement.

I was surprised and concerned. I wanted to help, to pull them back up above the waves so they can see the shore, gather strength and energize the path toward their full potential.

Positive energy orchestrates beyond design when we become willing, and I connected with Linda Saggau, Co-Founder of Experience Happiness. Linda, Nancy O’Brien and Gordon Kuntz have been helping people discover their strength, personal power and potential through their amazing “Happiness Practice.”

I engaged. Took the training and continue to develop these principles in my daily life. The data, measured results and experiences for a multitude of companies and organizations is astounding.

Look at these survey results from my favorite industry struggling with this growing challenge:

Happiness seemed like such a “silly” word when I first started exploring the concept after reading Shawn Achor’s book, ‘The Happiness Advantage’ years back. Science behind happiness, seriously? Well, in fact Harvard has been researching and practicing it for over 20 years. When Yale psychology professor, Laurie Santos, kicked off her “Psychology and the Good Life” (happiness) class, it became the most popular course on campus enrolling over 25 percent of all students.

There is something powerful going here. This proven approach provided answers and hope to turn the tide for a growing number of battered workers in today’s ever accelerating environment. To quantify, here is few numbers:

  • 73% of workers experience stress-related psychological symptoms regularly
  • 43% of U.S. workers feel their jobs are extremely or very stressful
  • 26% of employees are very often burned out or stressed in the workplace
  • $300 billion; the annual cost of workplace stress due to employee absences and healthcare costs


This was it – the way to help lift people and companies into the healthy space required to reach into the practice of high-achievement. So, I partnered with Linda and Team at Experience Happiness and would like to introduce them to you.

Linked below is a recent article from Minneapolis:

Reach out and let me connect you with these amazing humans.

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